Saturday, 31 March 2012


The term tsunami has its origins in the Japanese language; an English equivalent is "seismic sea waves." Tsunamis are often incorrectly interchanged with the term" tidal waves," which refer to high waves of water caused by changes in the flow and surge of the ocean. Tsunamis, on the other hand, can be caused by a few different means: 1) the down drop or upthurst of the Earth’s crust which results in an earthquake; 2) a large-scale undersea landslide; 3) a submarine volcanic eruption of a certain degree; or potentially, 4) a large meteor impact at sea. The vast majority of tsunamis result from earthquakes.


How Earthquakes Cause Tsunamis
The illustration below shows a subduction earthquake (one where a denser plates shifts below its neighboring plate, at left). Energy is transferred and the displaced water forms a wave. As the wave travels and enters shallower water in the coastal area, it begins to increase in amplitude

Tsunamis are not always colossal waves when they come into the shore. In fact, "... most tsunamis do not result in giant breaking waves (like normal surf waves at the beach that curl over as they approach shore). Rather, they come in much like very strong and very fast tides (i.e., a rapid, local rise in sea level)." Nevertheless, there is destruction of life and of property by floating debris and impact of water. The tsunami produces a series of rushing waves and also a series of withdrawals.

If you think about throwing a rock in water, a ripple is formed. It is the same principle involving a meteor or an earthquake, except they form bigger ripples. If you think about that ripple, it seems to disappear as time goes on--but in actuality, it does not stop. In the picture below we can see that a tsunami is very fast (the speed often compared with that of a jet) and it has a height of 20 inches.
However, we need to take into consideration the effect of the tsunami reaching the shore. The speed is diminished but the wave height is increased drastically.

For more information about earthquake formation see 
How Volcanoes Cause Tsunamis
There are two different ways that volcanoes can cause seismic waves. One possibility is for a land-based volcano to break down and collapse, forcing large amounts of ash and debris into the water. This sudden change and displacement of the water column transfers to kinetic energy and results in waves. More debris can create a bigger increase in wave amplitude and number.

Tsunamis can also be induced by submarine volcanoes. These underwater volcanoes can collapse downwards or spew forth lava heating the surrounding water quickly. 
How Landslides Cause Tsunamis
Landslides are similar to volcanoes that avalanche into the sea. They occur in the water and often are triggered by earthquakes. There is an instance in 1958 where a tsunami was caused by rockfall in Lituya BayAlaska. In this instance, a gigantic boulder was loosed by an earthquake and fell into the bay causing a tsunami that went out to sea.
Geography of Tsunamis

An average of 85% of all tsunamis have been observed in the Pacific Ocean in the "Ring of Fire." George Maul participated in an expert panel discussion on tsunami locations, in association with Smithsonian magazine . In his presentation he offered data (shown below) representing the distribution of tsunamis in the world's oceans and seas:
Atlantic East Coast1.6
Atlantic West Coast0.4
Bay of Bengal0.8
East Indies20.3
Pacific East Coast8.9

Social & Environmental Justice
When looking at the effects of the 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean, there was a death toll of up to 300,000 lives with the addition of 5,000,000 people who were affected by the tsunami . It is unavoidable to have property and land destruction, but the large number deaths as a result of this disaster was avoidable.
Within minutes of the submarine earthquake that cause this tsunami, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center knew the danger that was approaching the coastal areas. They tried to warn the threatened countries, who did not get the message in enough time. The fact remains that there was no warning system in the Indian Ocean. If there was, perhaps valuable time would have been bought for those in the coastal areas .

Tsunami education is another factor that could have saved lives, thereby reducing the death toll. There should be an awareness of how to recognize signs of a tsunami, and a degree of preparation for people in high-risk areas. If the same tsunami had occurred in the North Pacific Ocean, there would not have been as large a death toll, due to the Pacific Ocean countries' warning system, evacuation plans, and public education. Disasters are never fair, but if many people can be saved by funding the warning systems and public education, it is worth the cost.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

True,isn't it??

Every New Semester: 

After First Week: 

After Second Week: 

Before the Mid-Term Test: 

During the Mid-Term Test: 

After the Mid-Term Test: 
Before the Final Exams: 
Once Get to Know the Final Exam Schedule: 
7 Days Before the Final Exam: 
6 Days Before the Final Exam: 

5 Days Before the Final Exam: image
4 Days Before the Final Exam: image
3 Days Before the Final Exam: image
2 Days Before the Final Exam: image
1 Day Before the Final Exam: image
The Night Before the Final Exam: image
1 Hour Before the Final Exam: image
During the Final Exam: image
Once Walk Out From the Examination Hall: image
After the Final Exam, During the Holiday: image


The Japanese occupation of Singapore in World War ll occurred between about 1942 and 1945 after the fall of Singapore on 15 February 1942. Military forces of the Empire Of Japan occupied Singapore after defeating the combined Australian, British, India and Malayan garrison in the Battle Of Singapore. The occupation was to become a major turning point in the history of several nations, including that of Japan, Britain and the then-colonial state of Singapore. Singapore was renamed to Syonanto (昭南島Shōnantō), which means "Southern Island gained in the age of Showa ". The name is frequently mistranslated as "Light of the South", even in the Singaporean textbooks.
Singapore was officially returned to British colonial rule on 12 September 1945, following the formal signing of the surrender instrument at the Municipal Building.

The Japanese took all of Malaya during the Malayan Campaign  in little more than two months. The garrison defending Singapore surrendered only a week after the invasion of Singapore commenced. British Prime Minister Winson Churchill called the fall of Singapore on 15 February 1942 "the worst disaster and largest capitulation in British history." 

The Kempatai (Japanese military secret police) committed numerous atrocities against the common people. They introduced the system of "Sook Ching", which means "purge through purification", to get rid of those deemed as anti-Japanese. The Sook Ching Massacre claimed the lives of between 25,000 and 50,000 ethnic Chinese in Singapore and Malaya. These men were rounded up and taken to deserted spots around the island and killed systematically. Besides, the Kempeitai established a network of informers around the island to help them identify those who were anti-Japanese. These informers were well-paid by the Kempeitai and had no fear of being arrested. Japanese soldiers patrolled the streets and commoners had to bow to them when they passed by. Those who failed to do so would be beaten and some people would be taken away. 

Resources were scarce during the occupation. The prices of basic necessities increased drastically due to hyperinflection. For example, the price of rice increased from $5 per 100 catties(about 60 kg or 130 lb) to $5000. The Japanese issued ration cards to limit the amount of resources received by the civilian population. Adults could purchase 4.8 kg (11 lb) of rice per month and 2.4 kg (5.3 lb) for children. The amount of rice for adults was reduced by 25% as the war progressed.

The Japanese issued banana as their main currency since Straits currency became rare. The Japanese instituted elements of a command economy in which there were restrictions on the demand and supply of resources, thus creating a popular black market. The "banana currency" started to suffer from high inflation and dropped drastically in value because the authorities would simply print more whenever they needed more money; consequently the black market often used Straits currency.

Food quality and availability decreased greatly. sweet potatoes  and yams became the staple food of most diets of Singaporeans because they were considerably cheaper than rice and could also be grown in gardens. They were then turned into a variety of dishes, as both dessert and all three meals of the day. The nutrients helped stave off starvation, and new ways of consuming tapioca with other produce were regularly invented in order to stave off the monotony. Both the British and Japanese authorities encouraged the population to grow their own food if they had even the smallest amount of land, the encouragement and produce were similar to what occurred with victory gardens in the Western nations during World War II.Ipomonia aquatic, which grew relatively easy and flourished relatively well near the water, became a popular crop, as did other vegetables.

Singapore was the target of various operations masterminded by Allied forces to disrupt Japanese military activities. On 26 September 1943, an Allied commando unit known as Z force led by Major Ivan Lyon infiltrated Singapore Harbour and sank or damaged seven Japanese ships comprising over 39,000 long tons (40,000 metric tons). Lyon led another operation, codenamed Rimau, with the same objective almost a year later and sank three ships. Lyon and 13 of his men were killed after the Japanese discovered them. The other 10 who participated in the operation were charged with espionage in a Kangaroo court and subsequently executed.
Lim Bo Seng of Force 136 led another operation, code named Gustavus, to establish an espionage network in Malaya and Singapore and gather intelligence about Japanese forces for the Allies. However, Operation Gustavus failed and Lim was captured along with his men. Lim died in prison due to ill-treatment.Force 136 was eventually disbanded after the war.
In August 1945, two midget submarines of the Royal Navy took part in Operation Struggle, a plan to infiltrate Singapore Harbour and sabotage the Japanese cruisers Takao and MyoKo using limpet mines They inflicted heavy damage on Takao, earning Lieutenant Ian Edward Fraser the Victoria Cross. From November 1944 to May 1945, Singapore was subjected to bombing raids by British and American long-range bomber units.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Today I am going to share with you what is inside a cigarette.

Well, you're not going to believe this, but there are over 600 ingredients which can be/are in cigarettes. The main list of big items released by the Ligett Group include
tobacco, water, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, natural and artificial licorice flavor, menthol, artificial milk chocolate and natural chocolate flavor, valerian root extract, molasses and vanilla extracts, and cedarwood oil. Less familiar additives include glycerol, propylene glycol, isovaleric acid, hexanoic acid and 3-methylpentanoic acid.

The "real" list of what is allowed to be in American cigarettes, and has been found to be in some brands, includes the stuff at the bottom of this post. It is beyond belief they can get away with selling this stuff for consumption, when most of these chemicals are illegal to store in your home:

•Acetic Acid,
•2-Acetyl-3- Ethylpyrazine,
•Aconitic Acid,
•Alfalfa Extract,
•Allspice Extract,
•And Oil,
•Allyl Hexanoate,
•Allyl Ionone,
•Almond Bitter Oil,
•Ambergris Tincture,
•Ammonium Bicarbonate,
•Ammonium Hydroxide,
•Ammonium Phosphate Dibasic,
•Ammonium Sulfide,
•Amyl Alcohol,
•Amyl Butyrate,
•Amyl Formate,
•Amyl Octanoate,
•Amyris Oil,
•Angelica Root Extract, Oil and Seed Oil,
•Anise Star, Extract and Oils,
•Anisyl Acetate,
•Anisyl Alcohol,
•Anisyl Formate,
•Anisyl Phenylacetate,
•Apple Juice Concentrate, Extract, and Skins,
•Apricot Extract and Juice Concentrate,
•Asafetida Fluid Extract And Oil,
•Ascorbic Acid,
•1-Asparagine Monohydrate,
•1-Aspartic Acid,
•Balsam Peru and Oil,
•Basil Oil,
•Bay Leaf, Oil and Sweet Oil,
•Beeswax White,
•Beet Juice Concentrate,
•Benzaldehyde Glyceryl Acetal,
•Benzoic Acid, Benzoin,
•Benzoin Resin,
•Benzyl Alcohol,
•Benzyl Benzoate,
•Benzyl Butyrate,
•Benzyl Cinnamate,
•Benzyl Propionate,
•Benzyl Salicylate,
•Bergamot Oil,
•Black Currant Buds Absolute,
•Bornyl Acetate,
•Buchu Leaf Oil,
•Butter, Butter Esters, and Butter Oil,
•Butyl Acetate,
•Butyl Butyrate,
•Butyl Butyryl Lactate,
•Butyl Isovalerate,
•Butyl Phenylacetate,
•Butyl Undecylenate,
•Butyric Acid,
•Calcium Carbonate,
•Cananga Oil,
•Capsicum Oleoresin,
•Caramel Color,
•Caraway Oil,
•Carbon Dioxide,
•Cardamom Oleoresin, Extract, Seed Oil, and Powder,
•Carob Bean and Extract,
•Carrot Oil,
•beta-Caryophyllene Oxide,
•Cascarilla Oil and Bark Extract,
•Cassia Bark Oil,
•Cassie Absolute and Oil,
•Castoreum Extract, Tincture and Absolute,
•Cedar Leaf Oil,
•Cedarwood Oil Terpenes and Virginiana,
•Celery Seed Extract, Solid, Oil, And Oleoresin,
•Cellulose Fiber,
•Chamomile Flower Oil And Extract,
•Chicory Extract,
•Cinnamic Acid,
•Cinnamon Leaf Oil, Bark Oil, and Extract,
•Cinnamyl Acetate,
•Cinnamyl Alcohol,
•Cinnamyl Cinnamate,
•Cinnamyl Isovalerate,
•Cinnamyl Propionate,
•Citric Acid,
•Citronella Oil,
•Citronellyl Butyrate,
•Citronellyl Isobutyrate,
•Civet Absolute,
•Clary Oil,
•Clover Tops, Red Solid Extract,
•Cocoa Shells, Extract, Distillate And Powder,
•Coconut Oil,
•Cognac White and Green Oil,
•Copaiba Oil,
•Coriander Extract and Oil,
•Corn Oil,
•Corn Silk,
•Costus Root Oil,
•Cubeb Oil,
•Dandelion Root Solid Extract,
•Davana Oil,
•2-trans, 4-trans-Decadienal,
•Decanoic Acid,
•Diethyl Malonate,
•Diethyl Sebacate,
•Dihydro Anethole,
•5,7-Dihydro-2-Methylthieno(3,4-D) Pyrimidine,
•Dill Seed Oil and Extract,
•Dimethyl Succinate,
•3,5- Dimethyl-1,2-Cyclopentanedione,
•3,7-Dimethyl-6-Octenoic Acid,
•alpha,para-Dimethylbenzyl Alcohol,
•alpha,alpha-Dimethylphenethyl Acetate,
•alpha,alpha Dimethylphenethyl Butyrate,
•Ethyl 10-Undecenoate,
•Ethyl 2-Methylbutyrate,
•Ethyl Acetate,
•Ethyl Acetoacetate,
•Ethyl Alcohol,
•Ethyl Benzoate,
•Ethyl Butyrate,
•Ethyl Cinnamate,
•Ethyl Decanoate,
•Ethyl Fenchol,
•Ethyl Furoate,
•Ethyl Heptanoate,
•Ethyl Hexanoate,
•Ethyl Isovalerate,
•Ethyl Lactate,
•Ethyl Laurate,
•Ethyl Levulinate,
•Ethyl Maltol,
•Ethyl Methyl Phenylglycidate,
•Ethyl Myristate,
•Ethyl Nonanoate,
•Ethyl Octadecanoate,
•Ethyl Octanoate,
•Ethyl Oleate,
•Ethyl Palmitate,
•Ethyl Phenylacetate,
•Ethyl Propionate,
•Ethyl Salicylate,
•Ethyl trans-2-Butenoate,
•Ethyl Valerate,
•Ethyl Vanillin,
•2-Ethyl (or Methyl)-(3,5 and 6)-Methoxypyrazine,
•2-Ethyl-1-Hexanol, 3-Ethyl -2 -Hydroxy-2-Cyclopenten-1-One,
•2-Ethyl-3, (5 or 6)-Dimethylpyrazine,
•Fennel Sweet Oil,
•Fenugreek, Extract, Resin, and Absolute,
•Fig Juice Concentrate,
•Food Starch Modified,
•Furfuryl Mercaptan,
•Galbanum Oil,
•Genet Absolute,
•Gentian Root Extract,
•Geranium Rose Oil,
•Geranyl Acetate,
•Geranyl Butyrate,
•Geranyl Formate,
•Geranyl Isovalerate,
•Geranyl Phenylacetate,
•Ginger Oil and Oleoresin,
•1-Glutamic Acid,
•Glycyrrhizin Ammoniated,
•Grape Juice Concentrate,
•Guaiac Wood Oil,
•Guar Gum,
•Heptanoic Acid,
•trans -2-Heptenal,
•Heptyl Acetate,
•Hexanoic Acid,
•cis-3-Hexen-1-Yl Acetate,
•3-Hexenoic Acid,
•trans-2-Hexenoic Acid,
•cis-3-Hexenyl Formate,
•Hexyl 2-Methylbutyrate,
•Hexyl Acetate,
•Hexyl Alcohol,
•Hexyl Phenylacetate,
•Hops Oil,
•Hydrolyzed Milk Solids,
•Hydrolyzed Plant Proteins,
•5-Hydroxy-2,4-Decadienoic Acid delta- Lactone,
•4-Hydroxy -3-Pentenoic Acid Lactone,
•4-Hydroxybutanoic Acid Lactone,
•Hyssop Oil,
•Immortelle Absolute and Extract,
•Isoamyl Acetate,
•Isoamyl Benzoate,
•Isoamyl Butyrate,
•Isoamyl Cinnamate,
•Isoamyl Formate, Isoamyl Hexanoate,
•Isoamyl Isovalerate,
•Isoamyl Octanoate,
•Isoamyl Phenylacetate,
•Isobornyl Acetate,
•Isobutyl Acetate,
•Isobutyl Alcohol,
•Isobutyl Cinnamate,
•Isobutyl Phenylacetate,
•Isobutyl Salicylate,
•alpha-Isobutylphenethyl Alcohol,
•Isobutyric Acid,
•Isovaleric Acid,
•Jasmine Absolute, Concrete and Oil,
•Kola Nut Extract,
•Labdanum Absolute and Oleoresin,
•Lactic Acid,
•Lauric Acid,
•Lauric Aldehyde,
•Lavandin Oil,
•Lavender Oil,
•Lemon Oil and Extract,
•Lemongrass Oil,
•Levulinic Acid,
•Licorice Root, Fluid, Extract and Powder,
•Lime Oil ,
•Linalool Oxide,
•Linalyl Acetate,
•Linden Flowers,
•Lovage Oil And Extract,
•Mace Powder, Extract and Oil ,
•Magnesium Carbonate,
•Malic Acid,
•Malt and Malt Extract,
•Maltyl Isobutyrate,
•Mandarin Oil,
•Maple Syrup and Concentrate,
•Mate Leaf, Absolute and Oil,
•Menthyl Acetate,
•Methyl 2-Furoate,
•Methyl 2-Octynoate,
•Methyl 2-Pyrrolyl Ketone,
•Methyl Anisate,
•Methyl Anthranilate,
•Methyl Benzoate,
•Methyl Cinnamate,
•Methyl Dihydrojasmonate,
•Methyl Ester of Rosin, Partially Hydrogenated,
•Methyl Isovalerate,
•Methyl Linoleate (48%),
•Methyl Linolenate (52%) Mixture,
•Methyl Naphthyl Ketone,
•Methyl Nicotinate,
•Methyl Phenylacetate,
•Methyl Salicylate,
•Methyl Sulfide,
•2-Methyl-3-(para-Isopropylphenyl) Propionaldehyde,
•Methyl-trans-2-Butenoic Acid,
•alpha-Methylbenzyl Acetate,
•alpha-Methylbenzyl Alcohol,
•2-Methylbutyric Acid,
•2-Methylheptanoic Acid,
•2-Methylhexanoic Acid,
•3-Methylpentanoic Acid,
•4-Methylpentanoic Acid,
•(Methylthio)Methylpyrazine (Mixture Of Isomers),
•Methyl 3-Methylthiopropionate,
•2-Methylvaleric Acid,
•Mimosa Absolute and Extract,
•Molasses Extract and Tincture,
•Mountain Maple Solid Extract,
•Mullein Flowers,
•Myristic Acid,
•Myrrh Oil,
•beta-Napthyl Ethyl Ether,
•Neroli Bigarde Oil,
•Nonanoic Acid,
•Nonyl Acetate,
•Nutmeg Powder and Oil,
•Oak Chips Extract and Oil,
•Oak Moss Absolute,
•9,12-Octadecadienoic Acid (48%) And 9,12,15-Octadecatrienoic Acid (52%),
•Octanoic Acid,
•1-Octen-3-Yl Acetate,
•Octyl Isobutyrate,
•Oleic Acid ,
•Olibanum Oil,
•Opoponax Oil And Gum,
•Orange Blossoms Water, Absolute, and Leaf Absolute,
•Orange Oil and Extract,
•Origanum Oil,
•Orris Concrete Oil and Root Extract,
•Palmarosa Oil,
•Palmitic Acid,
•Parsley Seed Oil,
•Patchouli Oil,
•4-Pentenoic Acid,
•Pepper Oil, Black And White,
•Peppermint Oil,
•Peruvian (Bois De Rose) Oil,
•Petitgrain Absolute, Mandarin Oil and Terpeneless Oil,
•2-Phenenthyl Acetate,
•Phenenthyl Alcohol,
•Phenethyl Butyrate,
•Phenethyl Cinnamate,
•Phenethyl Isobutyrate,
•Phenethyl Isovalerate,
•Phenethyl Phenylacetate,
•Phenethyl Salicylate,
•Phenylacetic Acid,
•3-Phenylpropionic Acid,
•3-Phenylpropyl Acetate,
•3-Phenylpropyl Cinnamate,
•Phosphoric Acid,
•Pimenta Leaf Oil,
•Pine Needle Oil, Pine Oil, Scotch,
•Pineapple Juice Concentrate,
•alpha-Pinene, beta-Pinene,
•Pipsissewa Leaf Extract,
•Plum Juice,
•Potassium Sorbate,
•Propionic Acid,
•Propyl Acetate,
•Propyl para-Hydroxybenzoate,
•Propylene Glycol,
•Prune Juice and Concentrate,
•Pyroligneous Acid And Extract,
•Pyruvic Acid,
•Raisin Juice Concentrate,
•Rose Absolute and Oil,
•Rosemary Oil,
•Rum Ether,
•Rye Extract,
•Sage, Sage Oil, and Sage Oleoresin,
•Sandalwood Oil, Yellow,
•Smoke Flavor,
•Snakeroot Oil,
•Sodium Acetate,
•Sodium Benzoate,
•Sodium Bicarbonate,
•Sodium Carbonate,
•Sodium Chloride,
•Sodium Citrate,
•Sodium Hydroxide,
•Spearmint Oil,
•Styrax Extract, Gum and Oil,
•Sucrose Octaacetate,
•Sugar Alcohols,
•Tagetes Oil,
•Tannic Acid,
•Tartaric Acid,
•Tea Leaf and Absolute,
•Terpinyl Acetate,
•2,3,4,5, and 3,4,5,6-Tetramethylethyl-Cyclohexanone,
•Thiamine Hydrochloride,
•Thyme Oil, White and Red,
•Tobacco Extracts,
•Tochopherols (mixed),
•Tolu Balsam Gum and Extract,
•para-Tolyl 3-Methylbutyrate,
•para-Tolyl Acetaldehyde,
•para-Tolyl Acetate,
•para-Tolyl Isobutyrate,
•para-Tolyl Phenylacetate,
•Triethyl Citrate,
•3,5,5-Trimethyl -1-Hexanol,
•para,alpha,alpha-Trimethylbenzyl Alcohol,
•2,6,6-Trimethylcyclohexa-1,3-Dienyl Methan,
•2-Undecanone, 1
•Valerian Root Extract, Oil and Powder,
•Valeric Acid,
•Vanilla Extract And Oleoresin,
•Vetiver Oil,
•Violet Leaf Absolute,
•Walnut Hull Extract,
•Wheat Extract And Flour,
•Wild Cherry Bark Extract,
•Wine and Wine Sherry,
•Xanthan Gum,