Well,do you know that we already have such a credit facility?It is called Time. We are given 86,400 seconds every day.We cannot keep them.However,we can use every second.Whatever time we do not use,we lose. We cannot save the unused seconds.How do we used the 86,400 seconds we are given everyday?Surprisingly, most of us do not make good use of the time we are given.
There are several proverbs concerning time : "Time and tide wait for no man" and "Time flies" are just two examples.There is also a Chinese Proverb that says,"One inch of time cannot bee bought with one inch of gold."
I am sure that we have all heard of the proverb "Procrastination is the thief of Time."To procrastinate is to delay doing some necessary task.It is not uncommon for children to retort "I'll do it later" when told to do their homework.Very often,"later" becomes "at the last minute",and the child regrets not having done it earlier.It is good to practice to do something immediately, rather than to may as well complete it sooner,rather than later,when we may run out of time.
There is another saying---"Time is money".If we do not use our time properly,we are actually losing money. Wasting time is like throwing money into a drain.Time lost can never be retrieved.It is of paramount importance that we invest our time properly. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health,happiness and success.Time waits for no one.Thus,treasure every moment you have.
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